Colors and line style options for reference pattern data

On this page of the "Colors and line styles" dialog (which can be opened using the corresponding button in the toolbar at the top of the main window), you can set the colors and line styles of the diffraction data of reference entries marked in the candidate or match list.

Note: The options are only active if either the match list contains entries, or if a corresponding entry is marked in the candidate list!

For all diffraction patterns of reference entries that are currently marked in the match or candidate list, the current color is displayed in a corresponding box. By clicking on this color box you can open a color selection box where you can select/define a new color for the diffraction data.

It is not only possible to define the color but also the line style and width of the corresponding diffraction pattern. The current line style is displayed to the right of the corresponding color box. If you press on the small arrow on its right-hand side, you will get a list of available line styles from which you can also select the new line style.
To the right of the line style box, you can enter or adjust the corresponding line width (given in points). Either use the "up" and "down" array buttons to modify the line width, or enter a new value directly.

Default settings

If you mark the "Save as defaults" checkbox at the bottom of the dialog before you close it by clicking "OK", the current settings will be stored in the registry so that they are restored next time your start Match!. You can also save the current settings explicitly by selecting the corresponding command in the "Options" menu. This is generally appropriate if you changed some options using toolbar buttons instead of the "Options" dialog.

Factory settings

If you are in doubt whether your default settings are still appropriate, you can restore the original (Crystal Impact) settings using the "Restore factory settings" command in the "Options" menu.

Colors and Line Style Settings for Experimental Diffraction Patterns

You can change the colors and line styles used for the display of experimental diffraction patterns in two different ways:

  1. Open the "Experimental patterns" window from the "Pattern" menu (or press the corresponding button in the main toolbar at the top). In the window that opens, please (double-) click on the corresponding color box, line style or width to change them, then press "OK".
  2. As an alternative, mark an experimental diffraction pattern in the pattern graphics (either by clicking on the corresponding profile curve, peaks or its sample ID in the legend), then open the so-called "pattern menu" by clicking on the corresponding button that becomes available in the upper-right corner (instead of the normal '+' button for importing diffraction data). From the menu that opens, run the command "Pattern settings", select color and/or line style/width (or sample ID, date/time) for the currently marked pattern in the small window that opens, then press "OK".