Pearson's Crystal Data Features: More features
Features overview
Previous: Dossier of an entry
- User interface and guidance with menus, toolbars, multiple windows,
context-sensitive menus, online help.
- Multiple answer sets in a session:
a) Answer sets can be combined (e.g. "OR", "AND NOT") later to a new one, e.g. A7
:= A3 AND A4.
b) Session can be stored and loaded later and can be continued where it has been
terminated before.
- All answer sets and selection criteria at a glance: All answer
sets with their entry counts are shown permanently in a side-docked window as well
as the selection criteria and their intermediate entry counts in another window.
An extensive summary of the whole session is available in the main view.
- Search for selected phases or systems: Systems currently selected
in the chemical system matrix or phases in the phases list can be used to define
a new answer set with.
- Tailoring of answer sets: Manual selection of entries in entry
report and subsequent copy/delete/cut/paste to define a new answer set with the
selected entries or all entries but the selected entries.
- Compilation of phase data sheet from different related entries,
e.g. for documentation or printout.
- Standardization, available as tool or to convert cell parameters
and space group when searching for crystallographic data.
- Diamond interface: Export of entry data or complete structure picture
into Diamond format or direct call of Diamond software for crystal and molecular
structure visualization (demo version available on PCD CD-ROM).
- Tutorial
- Fast access to software updates and patches by downloading from
ASM or Crystal Impact web server.
- Direct e-mail contact from PCD software to report errors or suggestions
to editors or software developers.
Features overview Previous: Dossier of an entry