Diamond 4: Searching for structure data
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Access to COD (Crystallography Open Database)
The crystal structure database COD ("Crystallography Open Database") including
(amongst others)
AMCSD ("American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database")
as well as CIF files from the
IUCr journals, has been setup (and will be updated regularly) for
direct access by Diamond. In 2010, this database of inorganic as well as organic
crystal structures has crossed the 100,000 entry border. Now (January 2018) there are
more almost 390,000 datasets. (The COD version delivered with Diamond versions4.0 through 4.5
is dated April 3, 2012, and contains approximately 156,000 entries. Screenshot taken with July 2011 version with 133,000 entries.)
Most frequent (inorganic) structure type database
A subset of COD entries is also available through the command ”From Structure Type Database” in the ”Structure” menu, where you can browse through a list of the most common inorganic structure types and can load ready-to-use structure pictures.
A typical usage is to take a structure type representative as a kind of template
in the "New Structure" function or for educational purposes.
Improved searching of Diamond documents and structure files on your hard disk
The searching of Diamond documents as well as foreign format (e.g. CIF) structure
files on selected portions of your hard disk - already available since Diamond version
2 - has been improved, too.
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