Match! is an easy-to-use software for phase analysis using powder
diffraction data.
It compares the diffraction pattern of your sample to a database
containing reference patterns in order to identify the phases which are
present. Additional knowledge about the sample like known phases, elements or density can
be applied easily.
In addition to this qualitative analysis, a quantitative analysis (using Rietveld refinement) can be performed as well.
You can easily setup and run Rietveld refinements from within Match!, with the actual calculations being
performed automatically, using the well-known program FullProf (by J. Rodriguez-Carvajal) in the background.
Match! provides a gentle introduction into Rietveld refinement, from fully automatic operation to the "Expert" mode.
The software runs natively on Windows, macOS and Linux.
Version 4 now provides profile fitting search-match (PFSM) as a powerful alternative to the proven peak-based search-match.
Watch a video showing the new profile fitting search-match functionality in action, or take a closer look at this screenshot:

Just like with earlier versions of Match!, you can apply the included free-of-charge COD
database, use any
ICDD PDF product as reference database, and/or create a user database based on your own diffraction patterns.
The user database patterns can be edited manually, imported from peak files, calculated
from crystal structure data (e.g. CIF files), or imported from your colleague's
user database.
A list of Match!'s most prominent features can be found here.
Demonstration Version
If you are interested in evaluating Match!, you can download
a time-limited demonstration version free-of-charge.
A product brochure including feature list, system requirements and prices is
available for download.