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Our outstanding crystal and molecular structure visualization and exploration program. More...


Designed for the solution of crystal structures from powder diffraction data. More...


Easy-to-use and affordable software for phase analysis using powder diffraction data. More...

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Demonstration versions

Demonstration or trial versions are available for our software products:

  • Diamond - Crystal and Molecular Structure Visualization
    The Diamond trial version has no restrictions to its functionalities except the "Save" function: Saving files in Diamond's proprietary format is disabled, whereas export into other formats ("Save as..") works. A banner is written into printouts and picture exports. Download here...
  • Endeavour - Structure Solution from Powder Diffraction
    Since version 1.5 the Endeavour trial version runs in full-featured mode, i.e. without any restrictions, for 60 days. After this period, the structure solution facility of the Endeavour trial version is restricted to the elements present in the tutorial's compounds (currently H, Li, B, C, N, O, Na, P, S, Ni, Cu, Ru, In, La, Au, Pb) and to carbon containing molecules with composition C14, C15NO2S, and C15H23NO2S. Besides this, there is a limitation in the "Save" function: Saving files in Endeavour's proprietary format is disabled, whereas export into other formats ("Save as..") works. A banner is written into printouts and picture exports. Download here...
  • Match! - Phase Analysis using Powder Diffraction
    The MATCH! demonstration version is equivalent to the full version; the only difference being the time-limited licence: Once you have installed the software, it remains valid for 2 months. Download here... 

PDF brochures

Brochures in Acrobat Reader PDF format are available for our software products:


KPLOT is a multi-purpose tool for the analysis and drawing of crystal structures. It has been developed by Dr. Rudolf Hundt (Institute for Inorganic Chemistry, University of Bonn, Germany) and is available free-of-charge, provided that you agree to the GNU GPL v3 licensing conditions. Download here...