Pearson's Crystal Data Features: Configure the entry report
Features overview
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Next: Configure the entry data sheet
The entry report basically provides a tabular overview of all entries in the current
answer set. Every line of the table corresponds with one entry (compound). However,
the entry report is more than just a simple list of entries. It is the central place
to really work with entries (delete, copy, paste entries). Besides this, you can
sort the entries according to multiple criteria, add, delete or change the order
of columns, i.e. database fields.
This screen shot shows the default entry configuration with alphabeticall sorted
formula, entry prototype, Hermann-Mauguin symbol and International Tables space
group number, cell parameters a, b, and c, Journal coden, reference, and level of
structural studies:
With the "Edit..." command in the command bar above the entry report, you open the
entry report configuration dialog, where you can add one or more fields from the
(left) list of available data fields:
You can also change the order of the columns, their widths, and sort order through
this dialog, but in most cases it is easier to simply add a column through the "Add
column" drop-down list and shift that column, if wanted, with the mouse, and to
change the sort order by clicking on the corresponding column header.
Features overview
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Next: Configure the entry data sheet